About Me

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I love good movies and books. I love talking philosophy on life, death, perspective, and religion. I am a lucid dreamer and think my life wouldnt be complete without an adventure every night:) Zach is my whole life and I can't wait till we can add to our wonderful family:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Its been a while

My dreams have become less and less visually impacting. They've been coming with just an emotional pull for me to better things in my life. Mostly pulling for progression. The dream I had last night was me just moving through a scrambled array of nonsense of pictures and images and signs relating to becoming a doctor. Just like every one in this lonely world I've always wanted to become something great. To help people and "change the world" of course. Its a hopeless search of reaching my "full potential". Some days I feel closer than others. I know that everyone has dreams of doing something great in high school. But those wishes and dreams are rarely accomplished. Even if you played the guitar religiously you may never receive your "big break" and end up living in meritocracy just like everyone else. I was told just the other day not to get stuck in life but to find my truth and live it. I've named this blog Mi'Ma'amakim (out of the depths) for a reason. This is my truth.

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